Showing posts with label javascript. Show all posts
Showing posts with label javascript. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

A simple jQuery Form Validation

Here I am creating a simple jQuery form validation consist of a user form, custom js file, jQuery.js and jQuery-validation.js.

Both jQuery js & jQuery-validation.js file you can download from the below jQuery site and I would highly recommend to go through the API-documentation if you have time.

jQuery Validation JS --- jQuery Validation API Documentation
Download jQuery --- jQuery API Documentation

First, we will create a simple form with labels and input tabs.

It is not required to have labels, but a good practice suggests that we should use label with our inputs.
I used both in the below code just to explain validation works irrespective of labels(I got this question many times, so thought of trying that).

Second, we need a js file (you can add the js code inside html or jsp file too inside the "Script" tag.I added a separate js because I follow that pattern.)
In your js file add the below code to validate the form input fields.
Make sure you added jQuery.js and jQuery-validation.js else the below code will not work and you will get error in your web dev tool console.

As I told you earlier, I am creating a simple jQuery validation form. So, here I am only implementing rules, different messages and what action to perform after successful validation.

Thats all you need to do and form is ready to validate via jQuery validation framework.

Don't forget to add jQuery.js and jQuery-validation.js in you project.